LBH 2022 Logo


FrauGruber Brewing is fully committed to creating and maintaining a workplace where diversity and inclusion are of highest priority. We strive to make our staff, our customers and all our business partners feel valued and understood, respected, and supported. We strongly believe that every industry benefits from commitment to these values. We believe in diverse teams across multiple communities, those with intersectional identities, and do not discriminate based on gender, religion, race, disability, sexual orientation, age, or any other status.

Value Statement

We love to make great beer and are dedicated to bringing successful products, fun and enjoyment to all our customers and business partners. This is fostered by our dedication to working for and working with a multitude of different and diverse people. We deeply respect each individual, and we deeply respect diversity and will do whatever it takes to foster diversity across the industry. We are fully aware of the fact that not everyone has been given the same opportunities in life and we therefore are dedicated to find ways to improve social and economic justice in our company, in our community, and beyond.

At FrauGruber Brewing we fully commit to the following:

  • We will not tolerate discrimination, harassment, or bullying of any kind.
  • We are committed to making our workplace as well as all our customer facing events a safe and welcoming place for everyone.
  • We are dedicated to fighting and breaking down all barriers to diversity and inclusion.
  • We will create a space that encourages cooperation and collaboration across all kinds of boundaries.
  • We will not make assumptions about anyone's background or identity.
  • We will do business in a respectful and ethical manner and expect this from all our employees as well as business partners.
  • We will provide guidance and support to ensure everyone clearly understands their legal rights and obligations.
  • We will keep our policies up to date, accessible and known and strive to further developing the company along our values and mission.

Violations of Code of Conduct

FrauGruber Brewing believes in honesty, integrity, and respect and requires all employees and business partners working on behalf of or with the company to uphold these values. Employees who do not comply with the expectations set out in this code of conduct will be dealt with through corrective action, which may include termination of employment.

Leadership responsibilties

FrauGruber Brewing leadership will work to identify and preempt problems before they happen. This includes - but is not limited to - fostering a culture of open, respectful dialogue surrounding diversity, inclusion and equity in our workplace and community. Employees who are concerned or unsure about appropriate conduct are encouraged to speak with a member of the management team to help guide them. Employees who witness another employee acting in a manner which breaches this policy are asked to report it to management. Employees are reminded of their duty to report any health and safety concerns or violations immediately, including instances of harassment, discrimination, or violence in the workplace.